Monday, June 17, 2013

Ink Drawings.

    As part of my experiments, I have decided to use the method of inks. I have again been inspired by John Piper when I started to experiment with this method. John Piper's works produced using materials such as,different coloured oils and black chalk for the dark compositions. I haven't used ink much before in my work and I feel that it would be good to try something different as part of my exam work. Here is the first experiment that I created.

   In this piece again I have decided to make the nature around the man made rocks the most dominate feature. The plants around the rocks have been created using thick amounts of ink, making it the most dominate. I have also created an eroded effect by making the paint look like it has folded away from the bricks that are underneath the paint. I think that I am going to experiment more with ink, I think that I am going to add ink to different background or with bleach to make the piece look more dramatic.

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